Low-traffic street, quiet, wooded environment.
Excellent location and infrastructure. Good transportation.
Quiet, low-floor trams. Reconstructed track and stops.
The full range of sports, recreational, shopping and administrative
opportunities are easily accessible.
Wide range of well-known, international educational and childcare institutions
are in the area.
Rózsadomb Center
Spar Supermarket
Spar 0-24
Szega Market
Bio Shop
Pizzeria Nella Valle
Full House
Monsoon coffee & more
Freyja Croissant
Kifli and Tavern
Hard Pop Café
Bálint Gallery - Café
Crumbie Bistro
Czeizel Institute
Rózsakert Medical Center
Pharmacy (Stop Shop)
Medical Office (Pediatric)
Medical Office (Adult)
Coordimed Health Center
Post Office (HÜVI)
Government Office (HÜVI)
Dry Cleaner (Stop Shop)
Nursery (Stop Shop)
MOL Gas Station
OMV Gas Station, Car Wash
Örökvölgy Nursery
Hűvösvölgy Nursery
Völgy Street Ecumenical Kindergarten
Waldorf Kindergarten
Pendula Kindergarten
Palotás Gábor Elementary School
Children's House Elementary School and Gymnasium
Explorer Innovative Elementary School
Szabó Lőrinc Bilingual Elementary and High School
Budenz József Foundation High School
SEK Budapest International School
Greater Grace International School
Buda Private Music School
Waldorf School
Lauder Javne Jewish Community School
French School
American School
Hűvösvölgy központ
Hűvösvölgyi Nagyrét
Fenyves Park
Máriaremetei Park
Hűvösvölgyi Nagyrét
Children's Railway
Gliding Airport
Passage to Ördögárok Promenade
Vasas Pasarét Sports Center
Pénzügyőr Football Club
Swimming Pool and Sports Park
Rudas Thermal Bath
Lukács Thermal Bath
Tram 56 & 61
Night bus 29 to Óbuda
If you look at the surroundings of Volgy street 34/a, from a distance, on the satellite map, you can see that our location is an excellent meeting of nature and the proximity of the city. Starting from the forest entrance, 200 meters from the building, towards Harmashatarhegy, at the end of Volgy street, towards Harshegy-Janoshegy, we can practically walk around the entire Buda, and Buda area park forest, on foot, by bicycle, or by taking the children's railway. Volgy street is closed to car traffic in the middle, so only those coming there drive into the section towards our building. The complete renovation of the tram track and its surroundings in the street has been completed, so quiet, low-floor trams already run on this line. The night bus stop is a few minutes' walk away, on Huvosvolgyi Way. Our building is easily accessible by designated cycle paths from Huvosvolgyi Way, via Also-Volgy street.
Car traffic to the city from the Huvosvolgyi fork (Stop Shop) is already flowing smoothly in two lanes, and then branches off in several places towards Obuda, Hegyvidek and the city center.
The immediate and wider area abounds in excellent catering establishments. In addition to a wide range of educational and childcare institutions, international schools, there are excellent opportunities for shopping and other daily errands.
In addition to the wooded, park-like environment, a number of popular facilities in the area offer opportunities for relaxation and sports.